Hillel Academy’s TZEDAKAH for October 2018
What is a TZEDAKAH project?
- Click here to read about Tzedakah projects.
- Click here to learn more about Hillel Academy Tampa.
- Hillel Academy supports a different Tzedakah project each month in order to live up to the Jewish ideals of righteousness and justice- doing for others. We are honored that they have chosen to support EGA this October!
How is HILLEL ACADEMY helping EGA this October?
- Students and families have been asked to bring in a BABY TEETHER or SOOTHER which will be provided to children in-patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital.
- Our donation bin is filling up! We are so thankful for the support of these families and for the opportunity to educate kids about how they can support families fighting kids’ cancers.
- A special thanks to Sara Fisch and Allison Oakes for helping to bring awareness to pediatric cancer and support for families in the fight.

Hillel Tzedakah October 2018 Project Flyer