Cure Kids’ Cancer Now! Foundation is proud to serve as the AT/RT Champion for The CBTTC (Children’s Brain Tumor Tissue Consortium)- the largest open access pediatric biorepository on earth with 18 member institutions in 4 countries.
The CBTTC is transforming cancer research by using data to discover better treatments and cures for children diagnosed with pediatric brain tumors. This genomic information is housed in CAVATICA, the first ever cloud-based platform for collaboratively accessing, sharing and analyzing pediatric cancer data. Annotated clinical and genomic data collected from high-quality brain tumor specimens is securely shared within CAVATICA, allowing
researchers throughout the world to work together to find cures and better treatments for pediatric cancers. For access, visit
At each of the Children’s Brain Tumor Tissue Consortium’s member institutions, breakthroughs are made possible through the teamwork and collaboration of doctors, researchers and patients.
So why does Cure Kids’ Cancer Now! Foundation support CBBTC? Because…
- CBTTC collects high-quality biospecimens from all brain tumor types and annotating with long-term clinical and genomic data.
- CBTTC has created an open-access specimen and data informatics system with real-time access.
- CBTTC has created an open-access genomic analysis environment for worldwide collaboration.
- CBTTC is sharing materials, data and results to stimulate and accelerate research.
- Some of the more infrequent cancers are harder to research because no researcher has enough data to advance the science. CBTTC’s openness to sharing tissue and data allows for exponentially faster data discovery, more meaningful hypotheses, and greater efficiency leading to a faster cure.

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