Cure Kids’ Cancer Now! Foundation was honored to work with Kristy Craig, Executive Director of Dwell Home Staging to choose a brave kids’ cancer fighter to benefit from their recent project where they donated their time, fantastic style expertise, and furniture to redesign and redecorate Karla’s bedroom! They truly created a sanctuary for dear Karla. Please join us in thanking the DWELL HOME STAGING team for their generosity.
A message from Amber Gray, Lead Home Stager for Dwell Home Staging:
“Dwell was honored to provide this beautiful soul, Karla, with a new bedroom! Karla is 18, loves the moon, the ocean, the color teal, sea turtles, arts and crafts, and is a courageous rock-star conquering Hodgkin Iymphoma Cancer. In partnership with with Cure Kids’ Cancer Now! Foundation, we created a bright, soothing respite for Karla to rest, work, and hang. Thanks Karla for allowing us into your beautiful world!”
Please be sure to check out Dwell Home Staging for all of your home staging needs.

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